Traccar has partnered with LocationIQ for free addresses / maps for all users.
With a fresh install of Traccar, users have access to LocationIQ's geocoding APIs with 1000 requests per day out of the box. To increase the limit to 5000 requests per day for free, please signup for an account at https://locationiq.com/register to get your own access token. This access token has to be configured inside your Traccar config file.
Larger limits available via a paid plan at https://locationiq.com/pricing and additional discounts are available for Traccar users.
LocationIQ provides a suite of location related APIs including addresses, map tiles, routing, geolocation and more. For geocoding, LocationIQ combines multiple datasets (OpenAddress, GNAF, OSM, Geonames, etc) to provide affordable geolocation APIs with worldwide coverage.
Map APIs
- Includes raster / vector map tiles to visualize location data on websites and apps.
Reverse Geocoding
- This is the process of converting a coordinate or location (latitude, longitude) to a readable address or place name. This permits the identification of nearby street addresses, places, and/or area subdivisions such as a neighborhood, county, state, or country.
Forward Geocoding
- Allows converting addresses, such as a street address, into geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude).
Autocomplete API
- This is a variant of the forward geocoding API that returns place predictions in response based on input.
Routing API
- A bundle of APIs that can plot paths between multiple coordinates to find the shortest / most optimized route or to normalize GPS path for reporting.
Geolocation API
- This enables instant localization of connected devices with WiFi & Cellular technologies - without GPS. The database contains positions of 200+ Million cell towers and 4+ Billion WiFi access points around the world.