Recent topics by visiondrive

SMS API and using MessageMedia as the provider4 years ago1
Traccar Server Update to 4.9 -reports SSL handshake issue and hangs (stays in starting state).5 years ago8
Nominatim Server Setupa year ago15
Assistance with converting HEX value to DECIMAL for conversion to supply voltage6 years ago2
Prevent State Window from Scrolling on Tracker Updates to Server6 years ago4
Templates in 4.x for Notifications6 years ago1
Computed Attributes when edited contain erroneous text6 years ago5
State Table Information4 years ago10
Trying to understand decode of message with two different speed outputs of 64.8 and 0 at same log file time stamp7 years ago3
Server Reports "An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host - IOException (...)"7 years ago7
SMPP Server - a cheap option for starters8 years ago1