Recent topics by Anton Tananaev

We now have image uploads on the forum10 months ago2
Experimental solution for position orderinga year ago9
Ask ChatGPT questions about Traccara year ago10
Traccar 5.1 preview3 years ago47
High CPU usage issue4 years ago5
Contribute to Traccar and get a free t-shirt4 years ago1
Custom Domain Name4 years ago1
Fixing encoding for MySQL 5 years ago1
Demo servers cleanup5 years ago4
Traccar online config tool5 years ago4
Traccar push notifications4 years ago25
Traccar SMS Gateway for Androida month ago84
[Poll] New web app features4 years ago27
New web interface4 months ago25
User expiration time removal5 years ago4
Don't kill my app!4 years ago6
Get a free GPS tracker6 years ago19
Free Google reverse geocoding6 years ago3
iOS location data without location permissions7 years ago6
TK103B Tracker. - Microphone problems5 years ago13
Cellocator8 years ago11
New to traccar5 years ago20
Dumb question.. TK1029 years ago4
Traccar on RPi9 years ago4
Вопросы10 years ago12
Vjoy tracking devices7 years ago10
Traccar Client for Windows3 years ago33
Need Reviewsa year ago6
Supported ODB GPS trackers3 years ago47