Recent topics by Synergy Dave

"blocked" attribute for teltonika devices4 months ago5
Any changes on API10 months ago9
Horizontal scaling best practices10 months ago12
overspeed events are received with wrong speed values2 years ago3
keep only last device position in tc_positions3 years ago4
MySQL tc_positions.idb is getting bigger and bigger3 years ago4
What's the protocol please?3 years ago5
VT100L/VT200L protocol support3 years ago5
Error in log about Concox GT06N trackers5 years ago13
Teltonika io number for fuel use in liters seems incorrect5 years ago26
Protocol type5 years ago6
How to make sure positions are ordered by time6 years ago1
A lot of logs in wrapper.log.yyyymmdd6 years ago3
gv300 pass protected6 years ago1
Any planned release date?7 years ago4
Qbit Personel tracker protocol5 years ago9
Default queries for 3.147 years ago5