Recent topics by simplementese

Twilio SMS / Whatsappa day ago12
Version 6.6 does not accept map changes5 days ago11
driver and vehiclea year ago4
Consult Total Km and delete positions2 years ago5
Error Server settings - devices2 years ago6
Doubt about horizontal scale2 years ago9
Position jump error, Traccar 5.33 years ago10
Problem with the new version to update from 4.74 years ago5
Upgrade from 4.5 to 4.7 Problem5 years ago5
Problem in Deleting old data4 years ago6
Problem deleting device5 years ago8
update a 4.4 - option to override fix time6 years ago14
Massive problem6 years ago6
ERROR SQL en traccar 4.26 years ago12
error copia server6 years ago2
traccar v4 and sql6 years ago2
Error in state last update6 years ago7
error with address6 years ago3