Recent topics by ssan

Custom map changes not reflecting in modern UI2 years ago6
Modify the added device in modern UI3 years ago2
Multiple language support for push notifications3 years ago2
Licence information about modern UI using Reactjs3 years ago2
How Traccar generates push notification token3 years ago2
Notification when vehicle approaching the geofence3 years ago5
Traccar 3.16 Trips report - Distance showing negative 7 years ago1
does "totaldistance" will reset when device remove and reconnect to vehicle?7 years ago2
Upgrading Traccar version with local changes7 years ago2
Reset TotalDistance based on geofenceEvent7 years ago3
Customize geocoder language per user8 years ago4
Implementing trips based on source and destination instead of parking time8 years ago3
Sending devices and positions real time data in separate array8 years ago4