Recent topics by roneskinder

Huasheng Device HS-5000C protocol error2 years ago6
Implement Overpass API for Road Speed Limits4 years ago8
Custom command GT06 device 8 months ago4
Traccar 4.5 Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/slf4j/LoggerFactory5 years ago8
Error starting server v4.5 after a new build6 years ago5
Save every trip in new table named tc_trips6 years ago2
Unable to send SMS Notification via Twilio API6 years ago8
Having trouble starting the server after a default.xml change6 years ago5
Device GT602 huasheng protocol, sending coordinates but in website shows coordinate 0,0 and never updates5 years ago14
Getting this " INFO: Position filtered by Future filters from device: NR09B32458" instead of position after updating to version 3.176 years ago3
Help finding out this device protocol 6 years ago2
Help decoding this packets from TK207 unit8 years ago2