Recent topics by David Cole

Default zoom of app in ios3 months ago2
Tokens for notifications - store in UI somewhere5 months ago2
Delete Positions Days6 months ago4
tk103 packet6 months ago6
Genfences - different notifications depending on geofence location7 months ago3
Geofences - not showing in settings.7 months ago5
Google Maps traffic layer7 months ago5
Odometer trackinga year ago14
What makes a trip a year ago15
Split model for CG-NAT connections or using secure tunnelsa year ago11
MQTT for tracking (device talk to mqtt broker, traccar connect to mqtt broker)10 months ago4
Installation via ansible - possible connection errors - but nothing in logs3 years ago31
Gecoding errors3 years ago4
Could traccar send data to Google maps/Waze?3 years ago1
Tk103 Get Device Status Command5 years ago1
Can I set the input units of a device tracker? I suspect mine is sending as knots6 years ago8
Sending Kingneed (tk103) data getting a broken pipe6 years ago11
Generating other methods of notifying - MQTT/pushover 5 years ago3
Migrating from GPSGate6 years ago21