Recent topics by Prince Rajput

command sending API problem a year ago6
getting Error Failed to store position a year ago1
database.selectAllDevices getting error unknown device2 years ago5
getting error with MS-SQL 8 months ago3
unable to identify the port 2 years ago2
Traccar.xml file MS-SQL windows Authentication3 years ago4
Protocol xrb28 sending the string but not sending Lat/lon3 years ago6
eelink Device decoder problem - getting problem with TK4193 years ago3
TCP/IP device number of connections ...4 years ago2
Sending Command using Server -- Special Character5 years ago2
Traccar Version 4.8 5 years ago1
data not converting for AIS-140 protocol5 years ago6
Kill TCP Connections Device wise 5 years ago4
Server Resource Optimization 5 years ago1
Unable to identify Protocol 5 years ago2
ITC Protocol unable to convert..5 years ago2
Regarding Protocol Identification 6 years ago3
we are getting Warning in Traccar Log file WARN: Failed to store position6 years ago1
Regarding Clarification of the Parameters that device send to server. 6 years ago1
Y202-2 Power Cut off /Resume6 years ago1
Stop/Resume vehicle using Traccar API using simple java script6 years ago1
update traccar without service restart6 years ago3