Recent topics by marc

.class file tweak inside traccar-server.jar3 years ago13
Where are query string features documented? 3 years ago1
Second Traccar platform driven from same GPS 3 years ago22
Revert back after failure to convert to Secure Connection4 years ago11
Alternative to VPS / public IP address to run Traccar Server 4 years ago16
Embedded Traccar server? (Tracker device itself contains some of Traccar Server)4 years ago12
Editing JDBC (default) database using the built-in H2 Console , to restore ADMIN superuser accidently deleted5 years ago4
Sudden jumps in position due to GPS device error, its effect to Traccar Server7 years ago30
How can I set a profile photo8 years ago3
Reverse Geocode still attempted for filtered positions?8 years ago4
Re-start regular position reports of 'gps103' after a connection loss3 years ago19
Geocoding failed - Empty address - GeocoderException7 years ago9
Device State frozen in time, after receiving corrupted date/time stamp8 years ago26
Unknown device with IMEI 359710040xxxxxxx very similar to "gps103"8 years ago6