Recent topics by Jose Daniel Rodriguez Rodriguez

Incorrect fix time21 days ago4
attributes "deviceInactivityStart" and "deviceInactivityPeriod" to all device6 months ago5
Error DNS Traccar 6.1a year ago6
Device link sharinga year ago27
Server attribute "Active Map"2 years ago4
Push notification not work IOS2 years ago2
Support for biometric authentication2 years ago11
Traccar Server Error Memory2 years ago6
Error adding user traccar 5.23 years ago5
Write access denied3 years ago9
Open location in Google Maps4 years ago1
EMail with link to open in google maps4 years ago6
Problem creating geofence4 years ago6
Time error GT064 years ago5
Notification ignition on not working 4 years ago4
Diferencia en la pestana "Ultima actualizacion" (Difference in the tab "Last update")4 years ago4
Los comandos del dispositivo GT06 no funcionan (GT06 device commands do not work)4 years ago10
GT06 device commands do not work4 years ago1
GT06 GPRS: OFF and 4 years ago3