Recent topics by ilevans

web.address not work on Windows 112 years ago4
Unable to generate User Token V5.52 years ago3
Error reported in TRACCAR Log 2 years ago5
Version 5.4 Error. Traccar not starting.2 years ago3
Modern interface not displaying Custom ArcGIS Mapping layer3 years ago3
JNI Error On Manual Install on Win324 years ago14
Traccar V4.9 geocoder stopped working5 years ago10
User facility to change Map Layers5 years ago3
ARCGIS Rest5 years ago10
Support for HERE reverse geocoder6 years ago3
Error creating a Notification6 years ago5
Feature request to Stop bad GPS readings in garages or indoors.6 years ago4
Huawei Y7 only works intermittently in the back ground6 years ago3
Assistance with Custom Map6 years ago7
UPGRADE FAILED V3.8 - 4.1 MSSQL6 years ago3
OpenTrackerV2 Device (Open Hardware / Software)9 years ago7
Server Enhancement Request10 years ago2