Recent topics by HJvD

No notification send2 months ago7
5.9 Windows Server installation not starting as it shoulda year ago3
SMS command for changing IP on TK053 years ago6
Telegram notification not working correct in Traccar 5.03 years ago26
MT700 problem3 years ago4
No data on ODB device HS-4000G - how to troubleshoot4 years ago13
Telegram notification not working6 years ago3
New device: HS-4000W ODB 4G6 years ago8
Setting up Twilio6 years ago12
Upgrading problem 4.0 -> 4.16 years ago7
User management not available8 years ago2
Not valid lines shown8 years ago3
Unable to send testmail8 years ago18
What line to add for traccar 3.8 to autostart on reboot8 years ago7
How to add a custom field8 years ago2
Server on Raspbery Pi auto shutting down8 years ago18