Recent topics by Hemant Kumar Sharma

Send power cut command from traccar server to device3 years ago6
Unable to start traccar 4.13 on our server.4 years ago8
Overspeeding alerts coming on parked vehicle.4 years ago2
Geofence Enter and Exit showing same time4 years ago8
Unable to start traccar.4 years ago4
Engine cut on/off feature. Always shows message Device is unavailable but vehicle is running.5 years ago1
Need to know the status of Engine ON/OFF of traccar Device.3 years ago5
Upgraded to traccar 4.8 but not working5 years ago6
Traccar Installed but service not starting5 years ago5
Upgrade Traccar from 3.12 to Traccar 4.85 years ago4
Adding a Mobile as a device to traccar server5 years ago2
Traccar Project Not Building and Giving Error5 years ago3
Trip Creation of Device before deleting old data from traccar5 years ago1
Memory limit heap: 876mb non-heap: 0mb5 years ago3
service traccar restart commnd is will remove all open ports in traccar server.5 years ago8
How to add a port in traccar for ubuntu server5 years ago2
Load Balancing in Traccar5 years ago2
NoSql Integration with Traccar5 years ago2