Recent topics by Hamza Javed

Server stop receiving data for devices4 years ago5
BCE protocol exception (IndexOutOfBoundsException)3 years ago6
Galileo Protocol not decoding `0x47` tag.5 years ago3
Send positions in batch/array like every 5 or 10 seconds to decrease socket pings5 years ago3
Calculating invalid totaldistance value in bce protocol5 years ago1
Traccar using 99+% of CPU (process & stack dump of process attached) making server Halt :(6 years ago3
Acceleration value in position.6 years ago1
Typo in Swagger documentation (swagger.json)6 years ago2
suburb value not coming in address.6 years ago3
Set property error [Invalid numeric value: Leading zeroes not allowed]6 years ago2
hours not updating in position traccar3 years ago2
how to set time limit for Idling a year ago7
driverUniqeId in Position's attribute6 years ago4
Different session for different domains but with same backend6 years ago1
Engine hours in trip report6 years ago1
vehicle idle duration in stop reporta year ago4
Dynamic Trip configurations4 years ago7