Recent topics by gustavofarias

About tokens and notifications2 years ago4
Alarm type l10z in notifications2 years ago7
Stopping service gives "Status Unknown" not "Offline"a year ago10
What the "Show Map on Selection" under "Preferences > Map" do?2 years ago2
Recompiled modern app in different path fails to call server api2 years ago9
How to fix the layers visible for the entire server and all it's users?3 years ago5
Custom map layer Google road not working with modern interface in 5.23 years ago4
How to remove the "/modern" path from URL?3 years ago5
Preview modern UI with secured Traccar (SSL) in non root path.2 years ago13
"Offline buffering" and "wake lock" options4 years ago3
Server receives correct data from E3+ device (easytrack protocol) but can't decode4 years ago5
How can I disable a protocol? 3 years ago9
Install Traccar to a folder different from /opt/traccar6 months ago11
How to run Traccar 4.8 on Netbeans?5 years ago5
What does the "Last Update" column in "Devices" panel mean?5 years ago3
Google Reverse Geocoding instructions don't work5 years ago7
After updating from 4.2 to 4.4 the category icons are gone6 years ago2
Downgrade Traccar preserving data.6 years ago2
Wrapper log6 years ago2
After upgrading to 3.17, default admin user is not actually admin7 years ago6
device readonly and geofences7 years ago2
Server stopped after "HikariPool Thread starvation" or "ping between java and wrapper timed out".7 years ago2
Error in translation. Is Transifex enough?7 years ago2
Which files to modify to hide buttons in state/device/map panels and entries in settings menu?7 years ago2
Hide more features from the UI using user attributes7 years ago2
How Traccar cache works?7 years ago6
How to decode multiple positions in a single message?8 years ago3
Why Traccar Client report false "sending failure" to Gurtam Wialon?8 years ago4
Can't run Traccar buit form source outside of Netbeans8 years ago8