Recent topics by Thomas

Home Assistant Timeouterror connecting to Traccara month ago10
Upgrading from 4.15 to 5.6 - Duplicate column name 'motionstate' - SQLSyntaxErrorException2 years ago2
Support for Pushover notifications3 years ago2
DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK doesn't exist but also already exists3 years ago5
Modify mail templates of traccar server in docker4 years ago2
Set UI default to have geofences off5 years ago1
Possibility of only counting distance in periods from Ignition ON to Ignition OFF?7 years ago4
Device Status7 years ago6
Device State Attributes - lo1, lo2, lo3, lo4. What are they?7 years ago2
Device "Last Update" change time resolution to show minutes and seconds?7 years ago4