Recent topics by florin21

icon scale 6 months ago2
notification on/off for groups6 months ago2
intresting post about DB and geospatial data10 months ago2
popup infoa year ago13
<entry key='web.path'>./legacy</entry> not working anymore?2 years ago5
managed configurationsa year ago6
Geocoding enabled flag - if geocoding is disabled, we don't display "show address" link3 years ago2
vodafone v-auto device3 years ago1
TK206 and other clones connection via USB?3 years ago1
disabling modern ui?3 years ago2
hidden client not longer hidden3 years ago8
Position filtered by Duplicate Distance filters from device: xxx5 years ago7
best practices to avoid jumping and random noisea year ago4
[FYI] ?locale=en dint work for me5 years ago1
user login IP in logs5 years ago2
telegram groups?5 years ago7
google map layer is still broek in 4.2?6 years ago3
filter.invalid documentation is confusing2 years ago11
wrapper.log spam6 years ago9
https settings give me a apache default page6 years ago3
Web socket connection error7 years ago5
server settings registration8 years ago11
multiple users reading same devicesa year ago15