Recent topics by Fareed Qureshi

GoSafe device not getting online5 months ago2
Getting time as 1970-01-01 00:00:00 in different devices6 months ago2
Device Time not changing8 months ago3
Devices not reporting randomly8 months ago6
Clean H2 databasea year ago5
Ubuntu Server using 100% cpu2 years ago4
Car Parked but still showing movement with speed5 months ago7
Device keep showing speed2 years ago2
Keeps getting Ignition off/on messages2 years ago4
How to forward data without saving in DB2 years ago2
Server time and device time mismatch2 years ago7
Duplication of records in Device Data2 years ago2
Severe Performance issue2 years ago6
GoSafe GC1 Port identification2 years ago6
Exception while forwarding data to other server2 years ago6
Traccar Frontend Hanging2 years ago5
Traccar Server with strange devices2 years ago6
Forward Event Data with User Data to another server2 years ago3
PlayBack running very fast2 years ago2
Teltonika devices frequent offline/online6 months ago6
Notifications delay2 years ago6
How to get email and email/userid in sms tempelate2 years ago5
Teltonika device error2 years ago4
Traccar Animation for smooth Vehicle Movementa year ago2
Device getting offline/onlne2 years ago4
Engine Stop Command not working on gt06 and teltonika2 years ago4
How to appear/disappear object on MAP2 years ago1
SMS API settings2 years ago2
Route issue in Modern Web App3 years ago6
Error while running on Ubuntu3 years ago5
New version3 years ago3
Google MAPS in new modern interface3 years ago3
Device is not visible on map3 years ago2
Adding devices directly in DB3 years ago5
Geofence Issue in Modern Interface3 years ago6
Traccar Modern Interface Source Code3 years ago4
Traccar build by source code on windows 102 years ago8