Recent topics by Secrieru Victor

Is it possible to register from certain addresses?4 months ago5
Configured receiving events via the event.forward.url parametera year ago2
In the device tree, when you hover over a device, show all data on the device.a year ago1
Share your experience of usinga year ago8
Set notificator.telegram.sendLocation to truea year ago5
Processing Priority Eventsa year ago1
Teltonika fmb-125 devicea year ago7
Telegram chat messages were not senta year ago4
Device window on the mapa year ago6
Flag filter.enable = truea year ago1
Hours output formata year ago1
Trips for the current week are not displayeda year ago9
You can have only one notificator.telegram.key in the systema year ago3
Reports by tripa year ago2
Integration with other systemsa year ago9
Select all geofences for the devicea year ago3
Entering and leaving the geofencea year ago9
All events are sent to one telegram bot.a year ago1
Tracker sends zero coordinates2 years ago5
The motor clock is not counted.2 years ago4
Не считаются моторо часы.2 years ago1
Не подключается сервер geocoder (Nominatim)2 years ago16
Можно динамически сортировать поездки ?2 years ago5