Recent topics by DeZ

Traccar 5.3 : teltonika decoder issue2 years ago15
Event deviceMoving deviceStopped ignitionOn ignitionOff not create in tc_events4 years ago20
upgrade 4.8 to 4.10 : teltonika decoder issue io244 years ago19
Geofence Event : custom attribute5 years ago1
Help, server overload5 years ago5
Traccar 4.5 Teltonika FMA120 io132 issues6 years ago1
position id issue : int reach max value mysql5 years ago6
distance.enable=true for APLICOM and TELTONIKA protocol6 years ago1
Compute attribute to generate event when value change compared by last value6 years ago8
Migrate Traccar 3.15 to 4.1 : APLICOM attributes issues6 years ago2
Traccar 3.15 TELTONIKA io80 Wheel based speed issue7 years ago9
Event Handler Configuration Choose Event7 years ago6
issues with one positions which fixtime in futur7 years ago2
Optimisation Wrapper3 years ago13
Plug old tracking system to traccar8 years ago3
database.positionsHistoryDays issues8 years ago15
best way to archive / delete positions and log8 years ago6
PTV xServer : Custom Reverse Goecoding & Custom Layer Map8 years ago5
Restore Admin User8 years ago6
Server Performance : 1000 vehicles and more8 years ago6