Recent topics by Peter

Timeout and automated reports2 years ago2
Add Location (as link) into SMS3 years ago5
Traccar SMS Gateway logging3 years ago4
Overspeed notifications triggering way too early3 years ago3
Disabling reports in the UI4 years ago2
Live Route Length not working4 years ago4
Disable UI features as rights4 years ago2
Support system integrated into Traccar4 years ago4
Timezone issues with gt064 years ago15
Computed Attributes for renaming4 years ago3
Keeping data per user for specific time4 years ago4
Missing entry in configuration page4 years ago3
Teltonika FMB920 displayed values4 years ago3
Reverse geocoding comparison4 years ago4
Import / Preconfigure geo fences4 years ago1
Gisgraphy geocoder doesn't show house numbers5 years ago2
Compiling app.min.js with Sencha fails5 years ago5
Add driver and purpose for each trip5 years ago1