Recent topics by amin

database connection6 days ago2
how to use another map with traccar?9 days ago2
logactiona month ago4
fuel useda month ago2
ignition and geofence alarm2 months ago3
use many device in different locations2 months ago2
link a device to a geofence2 months ago2
getRouteExcel2 months ago11
change calender2 months ago2
lower battery alarm2 months ago5
configuration3 months ago1
address3 months ago10
over speed event3 months ago2
OverspeedEventHandler3 months ago5
device overspeed event3 months ago4
time of ignition is true3 months ago7
default map4 months ago4
memorystorage vs databasestorage4 months ago4
invalid data recording in report5 months ago9
sms verification5 months ago8
device resource api9 months ago12
how to add other attributes like batterylevel in percentage to api response?9 months ago3
attributes in position class9 months ago3
404 not found when server is run9 months ago6