Recent topics by Amado

New Apple APN certificate5 days ago6
Traccar cannot connect with mysqla month ago9
Enable reverse geocoding by user4 months ago3
Google hybrid map not available4 months ago22
Startup map location5 months ago4
Forward only alarms events9 months ago2
Some users not receiving Firebase push notifications9 months ago7
Send events to remote servera year ago5
Web notifcations not workinga year ago15
Error 502 bad gatewaya year ago5
Best strategy to backup last 90 days of events and positions10 months ago6
Unknown devices needs service restarta year ago4
No saved commands listed for groupsa year ago5
Nginx not installed/not founda year ago3
Error 502 bad gateway using mysql2 years ago15
Cannot login after mysql installation2 years ago8
Reports > Statistcs2 years ago14
Firebase configuration2 years ago4
Linux installation2 years ago2