Xexun XT009 connection problems :-(

bolling8 years ago


My device (xexun XT009 on port 5006) goes offline (red) seconds after receiving a data pack and then online (green) again when server receives a new data pack after 10 min. and so on it goes for eternity :-/

I cant locate the problem, is there a timeout I can adjust before the device goes offline so it can handle 10 min. between data packs

Can anyone help???

Log file:

2017-05-09 23:54:10 DEBUG: [0D37B274: 5006 <] HEX: 3137303530393233353335342c2b343532303234323130332c4750524d432c3231353335342e3739312c412c353730392e323139372c4e2c30303935322e333538392c452c31312e37362c3133322e33392c3039303531372c2c2c412a35422c462c2c20696d65693a3836323031303033333837303236382c30342c38302e362c463a342e3232562c312c3133392c33383530392c3233382c36362c324545342c374232310a0d
2017-05-09 23:54:10  INFO: [0D37B274] id: 862010033870268, time: 2017-05-09 23:53:54, lat: 57.15366, lon: 9.87265, speed: 11.8, course: 132.4
2017-05-09 23:54:26  INFO: [93AF20D9] connected
2017-05-09 23:54:27 DEBUG: [93AF20D9: 5006 <] HEX: 3137303530393233353431352c2b343532303234323130332c4750524d432c3231353431352e3734382c412c353533392e303937342c4e2c30313135322e393632302c452c302e34302c36382e36332c3039303531372c2c2c412a35432c462c2c20696d65693a3836323031303033333836323635332c30352c2d33392e302c463a342e3235562c312c3133382c32333430332c3233382c36362c353546442c383138460a0d
2017-05-09 23:54:27  INFO: [93AF20D9] id: 862010033862653, time: 2017-05-09 23:54:15, lat: 55.65162, lon: 11.88270, speed: 0.4, course: 68.6
2017-05-09 23:54:34  INFO: [0D37B274] disconnected
bolling8 years ago


Its the same problem when I connect the devices on the demo 1 server

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

If it goes offline (red), it means that device has disconnected from the server. By default there are no timeouts on the server side.

bolling8 years ago

Any ideas har to correct that in the device? sms code?


Love traccar super nice program :-)

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Some devices are just designed to work like that. They send location and disconnect till next update. Not sure if your particular device is behaving like this by design or there is some issue. Probably better to contact device vendor and ask.

bolling8 years ago

Ok, thanks Anton :-)