You haven't provided any timezone information (device or SQL), so it's impossible to tell.
Server timezone is UTC+8, and the device is UTC.
Fyi only this 1 row has the wrong time.
*sorted by servertime
You still haven't provided details on what timezone your database is showing.
Postgres timezone is UTC+7.
But does it have an impact? Because only that 1 row has the wrong value.
I noticed that you have milliseconds for some of the data points, which likely indicate that you had cell/wifi based locations there. For those types of locations we use server time.
I already set all timezones to UTC.
18 = 24
09 = 9
1e = 30
07 = 7
2f = 47
1a = 26
devicetime should be 2024-09-30 07:47:26
Does your device report any timezone in the login message?
Login message:78781101035151009504083120082bc1000b79ae0d0a
and I set the device timezone by sending GMT,E,0,0#
Yes, it does include timezone info. And it says 7 hours offset.
So i need to send GMT,E,0,0#
before set the server address?
You have to either make sure device reports UTC in login or you have to force UTC in the server settings.
<entry key='decoder.timezone'>UTC</entry>
So let's say i set GMT,E,8,0#
, it will be ignored and parsed the time as UTC?
Correct parameter. The time your device is sending should match the timezone you specify there.
So what happens when the device timezone is reset?
I don't know why, but the timezone of some of my devices has somehow reset back to the default GMT+8.
With raw data above, isn't the devicetime supposed to be 2024-09-25 19:07:53?