Windows Installation for TELTONIKA FMC920 = OFFLINE !

pounichka2 months ago

Hello anybody,
I've just installed Traccar on my computer /Windows because I've recently buy a TELTONIKA FMC920 for my car.
It works fine using the app traccar client /Android, started on my smartphone Galaxy:
I can see my smartphone online using my computer as a Traccar server, but my GPS Tracking always stay OFFLINE and I don't understand the reason why....
The port is 5055, the problem cannot comes from my port because i can see my smartphone ONLINE...
From the Teltonika device the parameters sound simple: I set the server address (the public ip number of my computer: "79.85.161.x"), the port ("5055") and the protocol ("TCP").... no TLS.
If i use a Ruhavik account (the server address is not an ip but alphanumeric: "") it works....
Then the FMC920 works about sending datas.....
Any idea ?

Richard Creer2 months ago

The Teltonika port is 5027. Is that the problem?

pounichka2 months ago

Well, about my device, i am free to use the port that i want (and the server that I want).... regarding the sever to use, on my computer 5027 was already busy for java.exe .... Richard, on the device manager, I have choice about the server port, do you think that anyway it will work only if i use 5027 ? I'm using "teltonika configurator" from a PC computer, i don't see any log about this software.... as a "second server settings" I have RUHAVIK ("duplicate" mode) : it works. Does Traccar simply not compatible for my device FMC920 TELTONIKA ?

Anton Tananaev2 months ago

Traccar is almost certainly compatible Teltonika FMC920.

You are correct that you're free to use any port you want. But for that you have to reconfigure port numbers on the server side and I don't see any information about it in your original post. So, either you haven't done that or you forgot to provide this essential piece of information. Which one is it? And if you did configure, please provide details.

pounichka2 months ago

Hello Anton, thank you for your reply. On the server side, I have the following file "traccar.xml" :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM ''>
    <!-- Documentation: -->
    <entry key='database.driver'>org.h2.Driver</entry>
    <entry key='database.url'>jdbc:h2:./data/database</entry>
    <entry key='database.user'>sa</entry>
    <entry key='database.password'></entry>
    <entry key='tcp.port'>5055</entry>
    <entry key='logger.level'>INFO</entry>

... on my Android smartphone, for the app "Client Traccar" the server URL is and it works, i can see it as ONLINE on my server (under the URL: on my server/computer, the smartphone was added with the id that I see on the app "Client Traccar" ("906271") ...... the second added device is my Teltonika FMC920, i copied the id / IMEI from device manager to Traccar server.
I see only "Client Traccar" as ONLINE, the other device (FMC920) is OFFLINE (??)

That is creasy because I guess, on this entire planet I am for sure the not only one user that want to use the FMC920 on a Traccar server / Windows... only me is blocked ?

Anton Tananaev2 months ago

What is tcp.port and where did you get it from?

pounichka2 months ago

Well, you are right Anton, I added by myself into the xml this:

<entry key='tcp.port'>5055</entry>
<entry key='logger.level'>INFO</entry>

I saw somewhere in an internet page this idea....
Since this day, it was possible to see my phone (Traccar Client/ Android), it was not possible before.

Something more for you today, >> in the log server I can see this (part of the log):

2025-01-02 23:37:09  INFO: [T1a447a78: osmand <] 000f383637373437303735333530363031
2025-01-02 23:37:39  INFO: [T1a447a78] disconnected
2025-01-02 23:37:40  INFO: [Te05c2c83] connected
2025-01-02 23:37:40  INFO: [Te05c2c83: osmand <] 000f383637373437303735333530363031
2025-01-02 23:38:10  INFO: [Te05c2c83] disconnected
2025-01-02 23:38:46  INFO: [T500bcb1b: osmand <] POST /?id=906270×tamp=1735857696&lat=43.1353874&lon=6.355049&speed=0.0&bearing=0.0&altitude=59.5&accuracy=19.21500015258789&batt=78.0&charge=true HTTP/1.1\r\nContent-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\nUser-Agent: Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 8.0.0; SM-G935F Build/R16NW)\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: Keep-Alive\r\nAccept-Encoding: gzip\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n\r\n
2025-01-02 23:38:46  INFO: [T500bcb1b] id: 906270, time: 2025-01-03 00:41:36, lat: 43.13539

In this log I see only the first device id (906270) .... that is my phone (Traccar Client/ Android)...

I don't understant osmand <] 000f383637373437303735333530363031 then disconnected 30 second later...

pounichka2 months ago

I remember about the idea to add the port into the xml,
it was from request to perplexity ai

Anton Tananaev2 months ago

You're still using the wrong port for Teltonika. That's why it doesn't work.

pounichka2 months ago

Ok, I'll try to find a way to get as available the 5027 port on the Windows computer (my private and free server), then i'll be back to you here to tell the result (Ok / Nok).
By the way, for now my FMC920 device is ONLINE under RUHAVIK using port 22727.
I saw in the RUHAVIK details that it works with Flespi, then I also directly created an account on Flespi and it works too (unsing port 28169). On the software "Teltonika configurator" I am free to use the port that I want on the server settings.... Let's try to see if it will be ok with Traccar using especially the port 5027.....

pounichka2 months ago

My solution in order:
1 - The devices
A) Teltonika Device settings: server= public IP for my computer, port= 5027.
B) on the smartphone android, app: "Traccar Client", port= 5055.
C) on the smartphone android, app: "Traccar Manager", add the devices.

2 - On my private Windows server side:
A) Router /Nat:
Name: TracCar_Client port in:5055 ip:(computer ip) port out:5055
Name: TracCar_FMC920 port in:5027 ip:(computer ip) port out:5027
Name: TracCar_Manage port in:8082 ip:(computer ip) port out:8082
B) Computer FireWall:
add a rule for each port: 5055, 5027, 8082.

Now it is good time to check each ports:
If Traccar is not yet installed on Windows, it's time to do it, then you can add the devices and start the Windows service.

3 - from the internet:
A-Manage from any browser: URL= http://(my public IP):8082
B-Manage from the smartphone android app: "Traccar Manager", add the devices.

4 - Enjoy

The device port for Teltonica FMC920 must be 5027 (
The port for the smartphone Traccar Client is free to be anny but not 5027.