Where find 4g tracking devices possible to use traccar

Rodney Yeo3 months ago

To date I have 3 units of SinoTrack tracker products of my own usage.

Namely ST-906L ×2 units & ST-904L x1unit.

All connected to my private TracCar Raspberry Pi3B+ server via Afraid.org DDNS service at home fiber Internet service.


Rodney Yeo3 months ago

I have configured Telegram notification for my trackers alerts with my family members in my private Telegram Groups.

Rodney Yeo3 months ago

I also use Server.Forward attributes in traccar.xml to create a backup copy of the live tracking data replicated via the primary traccar server behind NAT firewall exposed to Internet via port forwarding. Also using mariadb as database. With daily sqldump backup scripts. And increased swap file size.

Anders3 months ago

Well we have a number of server, one is Traccar, the rest is email servers plus a shop. I will contact the AliExpress seller who say it is the Sinotrack official shop. Still it is strange they have very few models

Rodney Yeo3 months ago

I guess you will be their new customer to sell and keep stock of the tracker model you required namely ST-904L, ST-907L, ST-901L in their store.

Rodney Yeo3 months ago

I have just made purchase enquiry for SinoTrack ST-925L and it is priced very cheap USD?? a unit.

Auto Leaders Co., Ltd
Kevin Shi (Sales Manager)

Anders3 months ago

Nah, I am not really interested to handle hardware, we provide services. But we'ii see

Rodney Yeo3 months ago

Then it is good to be a SinoTrack reseller since you provide TracCar service already.

Anders3 months ago

To do that in Europe would be a logistical nightmare. Handling customes, shipping, warrenty, returns etc. EU laws are very strict in this area. Our market is Europe, even if we have an email server in Asia, and we just dont have the manpower to handle it.

Rodney Yeo3 months ago

Then ask your customer to buy the trackers on their own and then subscribe to your traccar services.

Anders3 months ago

Well that is the idea, but to do that I need to find trackers that is not locked that I can recommend. That is what I try to do. I already have used Teltonica, all their trackers work and can be bought in Europe. But they are expensive

Rodney Yeo3 months ago

Yes, Teltonica is Europe defacto tracker. So is SinoTrack is defacto tracker by China for global budget consumer market.

It's tracker is proven for location precision tracking without any glitches compare to other competitors I have survey.

Don't get me wrong as I am not affliated in any business interest with SinoTrack what so ever.

My review are independant and unbias consumer used case endorsement.