Where find 4g tracking devices possible to use traccar

Anders3 months ago

Rodney let me ask you a question. In the manual it say: If you use a 4G card, check so it works in gsm mode. Meaning?

Rodney Yeo3 months ago

I have asked the manufacturer and they says by default it will use 4G band but if no 4G network coverage in that area the tracker will switch to 2G band for connectivity.

Anders3 months ago

well I have downloded 5 mauals from different souces and they are all the same, not one word about how set ip/port to the server

Here is one

Rodney Yeo4 months ago

Here is the manual which states the reporting server command ... item number "6" says it all!

Did you not notice this SMS command instruction for setting the server ip and port number?

  1. Send SMS to set trackers to our server:
    SMS: 8040000 8090


For traccar usage just change the command to followings ...

SMS: 8040000 demo.traccar.org 5013

Rodney Yeo4 months ago

Thanks for highlighting the missing information on the SMS command for ST-904L unit.

The manufacturer manual writer have missed out item number "6" which is as follows ....

Send SMS to set trackers to our server:
SMS: 8040000 8090


But we would be using the SMS command as follow instead for TracCar usage ...
SMS: 8040000 demo.traccar.org 5013


Rodney Yeo4 months ago

Take note of this SinoTrack tracker models with higher battery capacity for longer lasting usage on Move mode (Vibration mode with 5 min online) or Work mode (Always On mode).

The ST-904/ST-904L is mini tracker with 1,200mAh battery.
If you need long time standby,
You can choose:
ST-905/ST-905L 5,000mAh,
ST-915/ST-915L 10,000mAh,
ST-925 20,800mAh,
The big battery with big size also


Rodney Yeo4 months ago

I hope my answers address your queries Anders correctly.

SinoTrack uses h02 protocol therfore all their firmware command are similar.

SinoTrack command lists as follows ...

Reboot SinoTrack

Query SinoTrack

Configuration SinoTrack

Server Reporting SinoTrack
8040000 demo.traccar.org 5013

Here are all the common SMS command you will ever need often.

Here the SMS command is one of during initial setup only.

Set APN of mobile data operator SinoTrack
8030000 APN
8030000 APN APNuser APNpassword

For Engine cut off just use traccar ready made Custom Command.

Rodney Yeo4 months ago

BTW http://www.sinotrackgps.com/ this is the SinoTrack official product web site which netizens missed it and mistaken for http://www.sinotrack.com/ one for their GPS tracking server platform. Their app platform server http://app.sinotrack.com/

Rodney Yeo4 months ago

You can get all SinoTrack trackers product manual here http://www.sinotrackgps.com/support

Anders3 months ago

Its good. When I look around it seems to be very limited with Sinotrack in Europe, where my market is. Only a few models. Would be nice if they could be drop shipped from manufacturer

Rodney Yeo3 months ago

Yes, they do sells direct to customers with minimum 2 units order samples via AliBaba Store.

SinoTrack are consider cheap GPS chinese trackers with a good product reputation performance base on customers like my self use case.

Rodney Yeo3 months ago

Interesting setup info just discovered ...


If you want to change IMEI to : 123456789078532

Please send SMS command: IMEI#123456789078532#

Check IMEI SMS command: IMEI0000

Anders3 months ago

Change IMEI is not working on 4G.

Anders3 months ago

I think you misunderstood. I mean if I buy AliExpress f.ex and they then ship directly to the end customer. The problem is that even the Sinotrack shop on AliExpress has very limited number of models. I would be interested in 904L, 907L, 901L f ex.

Rodney Yeo3 months ago

Well you can ask the AliExpress seller which is their distributor making preorder after you make a purchase and does the shipping plus handling to you via courier shipping.

Their main store is at Alibaba with minimum 2 units purchases order.

I bought it via Shopee via their distribitor in Philipines who preorder and ship it to me with no defects issues.

To date I have 3 units of SinoTrack products.