Where find 4g tracking devices possible to use traccar

Anders3 months ago

Whereevr I look I only find trackers that is locked to a gps server. I am looking for trackers for vehickle, children and pets. Must be 4G because Europe now close down old networks

Track-trace3 months ago

How many manufacturers have you contacted?

Anders3 months ago

You mean calling China? I dont think they are interested to sell unlocked devices in 10 batches. But at least I found some with Teltonika. Super brand, not to expensive.

Track-trace3 months ago

If you contact sellers on alibaba you can expect an answer there.
But better first check on traccar website for protocol support.

Rodney Yeo3 months ago

All chinese trackers are not locked to their own platform.

It is because your telco uses SMS domain name blocking restrictions which prevents the changes via SMS commamd.

Temporary use your own traccar public IP first then change it later to domain name via traccar Custom Command console.

I had my SinoTrack ST-906L now pointing to my own private traccar server via dynamic DNS service.

Rodney Yeo3 months ago

I also have ST-904L for as elderly person tracker namely my beloved mom from gone astray lost in the neighbours.

All the trackers I bought are LTE 4G with GSM 2G fall back capability in event of poor mobile data coverage.

Track-trace3 months ago

@Rodney Yeo

Actually thats not completely correct. All /most 4G trackers / Watches which use setracker, Aibeile, Wonlex app (more then 10 milion downloads on playstore alone) have a fixed server ip which only can be set with flashing the firmware.
Besides that mostly a firmware is used which uses protocol encryption (which is not supported / implemented in traccar server).

Rodney Yeo3 months ago

Oh. Ok. But since I own SinoTrack and SeeWorld chinese trackers. I was able to change their reporting server to TracCar without any issues.

Track-trace3 months ago

Yeah thats what he should use then.

Rodney Yeo3 months ago

I do not recommend SeeWorld tracker as they firmware suffers from glitches with lost of location tracks for few minutes lost of data tracks making precise tracking data useless and inaccurate.

But I strongly recommend SinoTrack tracker since their firmware does not suffer from any missed location glitches which makes it perfect for milage record calculation and data tabulation.

I have both tracker brands on both of my family car each sets for performance monitoring and data tracking proof of concept.

I will be discarding SeeWorld tracker in the trash recycle bin by next year after my proof of concept matures within one year of test and monitoring.

So make your purchase wisely via AliBaba Platform.

My review are true anf unbias as a consumer user. Good luck!

Anders3 months ago

If I ask in the Traccar forum it should be obvious for anyone that I want devices that can be used with Traccar. I looked in the Sinotrack manual and there is not a word about a command to change server

Rodney Yeo3 months ago

I have file a refund request to SeeWorld manufacturer via AliBaba and luckly they are nice enough to accept a full refund money to me for their product in perfections flaws which they are not able to fix. Since SeeWorld firmware are written by French engineers.

SinoTrack firmware are written by German engineers which is perfect till date. No regrets!

Rodney Yeo3 months ago

SinoTrack manual did expressly gave us 3 steps of SMS command to setup their tracker for first time usage and one of them is the code 804 command for reporting server.

If you buy their product then only they send you their device h02 protocol documentation and SMS command lists.

Please do some research and reading before asking any question or help in this traccar forum.

As the traccar creator wants everyone to learn the hard way and progress further in RnD with always free open source software.

Don't expect everyone to spoon feed newbies if they are not willing to crawl then what not wanting to learn to run.

No hard feeling but take my advise. Do your reading first before asking around point blank.


Anders3 months ago

Well the problem is not me, I only provide the Traccar. It must be devices that is simple to use for the end usere that is not computer nerds. But dont worry I will find

Rodney Yeo3 months ago

Don't get me wrong. I am not saying you anything. I am just following what our traccar creator practices of influencing self learning skills sets from his hints is liike GOD showing us the way to the light. I have sourced around and SinoTrack is one of the best. Trouble free!

Cheers on the positive vibes. Sharing is caring.
