2017-11-02 16:33:16 DEBUG: [99E8A92B: 5055 <] HEX: 300d0a0d0a
2017-11-02 16:33:16 WARN: [99E8A92B] error - org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpChunk$1 cannot be cast to org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpRequest - ClassCastException (OsmAndProtocolDecoder:57 < ExtendedObjectDecoder:58 < ...)
2017-11-02 16:33:16 INFO: [99E8A92B] disconnected
2017-11-02 16:33:18 INFO: [5E9A42DA] connected
The error indicates the problem with HTTP request. Is it from your device?
and how can I fix it Anton ?
By not sending invalid HTTP requests?
how have you fix this problem? i got the same error in my log. how can i deactivate this http requests?