What does this mean?

Anders Yuran5 years ago

What does this mean in regard to Traccar Cliend?
Note that to use encryption feature, HTTPS has to be configured on the server side. Traccar server itself doesn’t support HTTPS, so it has to be done via proxy. For example, Apache proxy can be used.

I have our server proxied with Apache. But I still can only use http:// in the address

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

Why can't you use HTTPS?

Please next time make more meaningful titles for topics.

Anders Yuran5 years ago

I had a question before and you said opposite

I have the tracking server on https://tracking.havouza.com
Meaning that it is proxied to port 8082
I cant use the https address and add 5055 it gives an error and it should
If I use http it works because the server is not proxied from port 80
But it means that I have to have port 80 open which I dont want
So I got a second ip that is only open on 5000 to 5999. This protect the server an little more
I dont see how I can do it another way

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

Obviously if you want to use OsmAnd port with HTTPS, you have to proxy that port as well, in addition to the web port.

Haim Rodrik5 years ago

Anders, you are trying to do steps without having very basic knowledge. Your explanations are not clear and looks you don't know to explain your problem. Traccar haveing clear documentation, Traccar client application need very basic knowledge very easy and friendly use. You can use HTTP or HTTPS messages by using a port number which is relevant to your case 5055

For example http://www.domain.com:5055/example.php?data=blabla&id=1234567890 sents your message directly to the specific port in a server, https://tracking.havouza.com:443 (Port 443 is https) will work too because is a standard port. Try http://www.google.com:80

Anders Yuran5 years ago

Dont try to be patronising, I am to old for that shit. If I send a normal user/customer some guidelines they must be simple otherwise they will just not understand. And the documentation for Traccar is hardly clear.
Your example is hardly what the client want and understand. To avoid all that I will just use the ip. Most of the devices cant handle a domain anyway

Haim Rodrik5 years ago

I am not trying to patronize you. I tried to help you because as the way you asked no one will reply to you. I have the same problem as you with the forum. Only Anton replies as much he can and very few members sharing the solution. Most members after they find the solution not sharing. I am getting answers around 40% of my questions, also not a full solution. They give direction we need to find the way ourselves. The young guys do not have the patience for old guys like us. I am only writing to the forum when I stuck and after burning nights to find a solution and gave up. I am old like you too, I am a guy from the assembly programming era using Intel's 8080 or Motorola 6800. I liked or not that technology we have today. We must flow with the heard of internet nerds. They decide how we should work. They think, that all people on the planet need to understand them and new languages pop up every day. I wish you luck, hope you solved the problem. If not I will give my Skype and help you

Anders Yuran5 years ago

Well I use a solution I believe in. I am a self taught that started using computers well before dos showed up. If I remember correct the os was called CM. First computer was a PET 123. I am a swede but live in Cyprus.
The problem with Traccar is the lack of documentation that can be used by a client. I understand that we are talking open source and free, It is also a problem that so many trackers today come with free access to a tracking platform that is easy to understand. For me that is not interesting, I dont trust Chinese servers. And how long will they be around. I live in Cyprus where the interest is high but the knowledge is very basic. Most interest is around pet, person and vehicle basic tracking so that is the market to concentrate on. So I will write a write a basic manual directed to the end user. Then I will see. I am not after high profit, more have something to do that pay the costs for the server power. I also run a Xeoma cctv server aimed at all the owners of holiday homes here
I have no skype account,I use Telegram.

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

The forum is for sharing information, not sharing your contact details.

Anders Yuran5 years ago

The one who answered my post said he could he!p via Skype and just answered that is not possible. Sorry you have to take your valuable time to write. Have you seen any contact info in mine or his post? And btw if he now offered to help it would be good for you