web.url parameter deprecated?

Felix Bühler3 years ago


I wanted to change the URL of my traccar site when receiving an email. I found some 5 year old posts about the web.url parameter and it works fine with it.
Although, the documentation doesn't mention this parameter. Is it deprecated and will be removed some day?

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

It still works and it's not deprecated.

Felix Bühler3 years ago

Thanks! So it's just forgotten in this list?

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Yes. We're working on a new way to automatically generate that documentation, so it hasn't really been up to date.

Felix Bühler3 years ago

Alright, thank you for your fast reply!

alirezasaberia year ago

I changed base URL in this way same as configuration file :

    <entry key='web.url'>base url</entry>

but it does not work...

Anton Tananaeva year ago
  1. Have you restarted the service?
  2. What exactly is not working?
Amira year ago

for example i set base url with this configuration:

 <entry key='web.url'>mybaseurl</entry>

but it does not change.it is still localhost.