Web login fail2ban jail - working

Fabiano Gastaldi2 years ago

Hi, i create the working jail and filter for fail2ban and traccar web login using debian 11/iptables/traccar 5.3

1 - Add new lines in /etc/fail2ban/jail.local:

port	 = 8082
enabled	 = true
filter   = traccar-web-login
logpath  = /opt/traccar/logs/tracker-server.log
maxretry = 10

2 - Create filter file: "/etc/fail2ban/filter.d/traccar-web-login.conf"

# Fail2Ban traccar filter
failregex   = INFO: login failed.* <HOST>
ignoreregex = 

# Author: Fabiano Gastaldi - ® BetaSete Tecnologia

3 - Restart fail2ban service:

sudo service fail2ban restart
dagobar2 years ago

First thanks for the info, it's useful for me.


  1. You have to enable logging level info.
  2. The amount of log data for info level sent to the log file is huge !
    Be prepared related to storage space, IO speed, CPU, e.t.c.

Is there an other (better) way ?

To the development team:
Maybe a new setting for login/logout for logging to a different log file to enable/disable it could be useful to protect Traccar with Fail2ban.