warning in calculated attribute

Cristian6 months ago

I recently upgraded from version 5.9 to 6.4, but now I get a warning for a calculated attribute, in version 5.9 I did not have this warning. I think it is because in version 6.4 there is a priority option in the attributes, but I would like if someone can confirm it.

this is the calculated attribute:

Captura de pantalla 2024-09-15 a la(s) 5.34.07 p. m..png

this is the warning:

2024-09-15 17:24:24  WARN: Attribute computation error -
org.apache.commons.jexl3.JexlException$Variable: org.traccar.handler.ComputedAttributesHandler.computeAttribute:138@1:1 variable 'blocked' is undefined
Anton Tananaev6 months ago

The error means that your device is not reporting the blocked attribute.

Cristian6 months ago

I thought the same thing, I checked the raw data and there are devices that always report the attribute, others do not, but for both cases the warning appears. What I did was to change the query of the calculated attribute and I no longer get the warning.