Want To Display Speed

Ashok Chandraa year ago

Good Afternoon,

I want display every device speed under the device list , please help image: https://ibb.co/syQmJvB

Anton Tananaeva year ago

What kind of help do you need?

Ashok Chandraa year ago

for example, I have added 3 device, so I want display its currentspeed

Device 1 - currentspeed
Device 2 - currentspeed
Device 3 - currentspeed

Anton Tananaeva year ago

OK and what kind of help do you need?

Ashok Chandraa year ago

device speed showing in statuscard. I want to displaying each device speed under the devicelist. please check this image: https://ibb.co/syQmJvB

Anton Tananaeva year ago

I understand what you want to do. There's no need to repeat that. I'm asking what kind of help you're looking for? Do you want someone to implement it for you here on the forum? That probably won't happen.

Ashok Chandraa year ago

No no. I already used speed from position API, but speed from position API and speed in status card both are different.

please give some suggestions how to achieve that.

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Have you converted it into the right units?

Ashok Chandraa year ago

No, How to convert that? please help.

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Well, the default speed units are knots. You can easily google the formula for the conversion to whatever units you need.

Ashok Chandraa year ago

thanks, It is working.