Vehicle locked with ignition on.

Dmathus744 months ago

I apologize if there is already an open topic on this subject.

I noticed that when accessing the tracker, the vehicle appears locked on the map with the ignition on and does not leave.

When I click to see the route history for the day, the vehicle appears on the route on the correct date, but when I return to the main screen it is stuck there.

If I clean the tc_positions database, the vehicle returns to normal.

Could anyone help me with any tips on what to do?

Anton Tananaev4 months ago

Check the fix time of locations.

Dmathus744 months ago

Thank you for your attention.

I use mysql and I queried the ID of the vehicles that are crashing, because not all vehicles, just some.

During the consultation I saw something strange:

Example of a vehicle ID:

2024-11-12 14:11:50
2024-11-12 14:10:21
2024-11-12 14:10:21

The time is different from the server time. In this query I did it at 11:14, but the query returns showing a time 3 hours ahead.

Does this have something to do with it?

Anton Tananaev4 months ago

Probably. You should check where it's coming from.

Dmathus744 months ago

Thanks again for your attention.

I intervened in mysql by removing duplicate entries with the wrong time.
For now it solved my problem. I will monitor these IDs that are generating this problem.
I saw the server date and the mysql date and they are both in the same time zone.

One last question:

In addition to MySQL, which DBMS can I use in Traccar?

Thank you and that's all for now.

Anton Tananaev4 months ago

Pretty much any JDBC-compatible database. Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL etc.

Dmathus744 months ago

Thank you very much.