User tokens in v 5.3

Alia year ago

Could you please help me understand.

  • I login via /api/session
  • I get a token in the response header
  • I try to use this token to authenticate my next requests but I get error 500.

For example I can fetch list of devices (/api/devices) with Basic auth:
Authorization: "Basic username:password"

But I can't fetch it with Token authorization after I create session (/api/session) and get token from response header:
Authorization: "Bearer node017gfnbvchfuf31i5i829p91yda371.node0"

Anton Tananaeva year ago

You don't get a token in response from the session API. You only get the session cookie.

Alia year ago

I see now. As you mentioned I was lost between session id & authorization tokens. Thank you for quick reply and great hint. My problem is resolved.