upgrade 4.8 to 4.10 : teltonika decoder issue io24

DeZ4 years ago


Last sunday I upgrade from 4.8 to 4.10 and I have big issue with tetonika decoder in this 4.10 traccar server version.

Especially with "io24" attribute because is missing.

In 4.8 version io24 default parsing was applied :

                position.set(Position.PREFIX_IO + id, readValue(buf, length, false));

And now io24 have special case :

case 24:
                readValue(buf, length, false); // speed

But I don't understand where this value is saved, in speed column of tc_positions table I have same value like before, and this value is not correct because I expected value in km/h.

How can I retrieve this value ?

More generally, you decode more teltonika attributes in this 4.10 version but this decoding is wrong because TELTONIKA use different encoding per device model.

This decoding is correct for FMAXXX and FMBXXX device with LVCAN or ALLCAN module for car but not for FM63XY device for truck with tachygraph.

For example :

case 81:
    position.set(Position.KEY_OBD_SPEED, readValue(buf, length, false));
case 82:
    position.set(Position.KEY_THROTTLE, readValue(buf, length, false));
case 83:
    position.set(Position.KEY_FUEL_USED, readValue(buf, length, false) * 0.1);
case 85:
    position.set(Position.KEY_RPM, readValue(buf, length, false));

Is respectively for FM63XY device :

io81 => Cruise Control Active (bool)
io82 => Clutch Switch (bool)
io83 => PTO State (bool)
io84 => Acceleration Pedal Position (%)
io85 => Engine Current Load (%)

For next upgrade how can I prevent decoding issue ?


Anton Tananaev4 years ago
DeZ4 years ago

Hi Anton,

I think you revert for next release thanks
Please revert also

io87 & io16 => Fuel Level
io110 => Diagnostics Supported
io113 => Service Distance
io235 => VIN Part3

Can you tell when you can compil this version ?

I absolutely need to get io24, where is it please ?

Thanks a lot

DeZ4 years ago


It is possible to compil patch to fix decoding issue ?


Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Reverted. You can always compile a version from the source code.

DeZ4 years ago

Hi Anton,

Thanks for revert.

I never compile from source and I don't know if I'm able to do this.

Have you delay for next release ?


Anton Tananaev4 years ago


DeZ4 years ago

Not Delay
Date ?

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

No date yet, but I think it will be soon.

DeZ4 years ago

Hi Anton,

Thanks for update it's working fine with Teltonika Protocol specially for io24

PS : modern interface is very slow with many device (2500) ... I using old interface

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Is it slow because they report a lot of data or it's slow even when everything is static?

DeZ4 years ago

It's slow at startup just after credential

I can't use it, it's freeze

I have about 2500 devices with many positions per minutes

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

I had it working fine with ~1000 devices, but in a static view with very small number of updates. Anyway, that's something we plan to address at some point.

DeZ4 years ago

Great thanks

Perhaps U can limit refresh frequency to 5 minutes by device, it's enought when display many devices.

Or rule for refresh depending number of devices ....

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

We have live updates via WebSocket. We don't do polling.