I am so sorry.
I updated my traccar server from 4.14 to 6.6.
When I try to create a new user, I get : Unrecognized field "twelveHourFormat" (class org.traccar.model.User), not marked as ignorable (25 known properties: "readonly", "limitCommands", "deviceLimit", "poiLayer", "fixedEmail", "login", "name", "latitude", "administrator", "phone", "longitude", "userLimit", "temporary", "zoom", "attributes", "deviceReadonly", "id", "email", "totpKey", "coordinateFormat", "disableReports", "password", "map", "disabled", "expirationTime"]) at [Source: REDACTED ('StreamReadFeature.INCLUDE_SOURCE_IN_LOCATION' disabled); line: 1, column: 226] (through reference chain: org.traccar.model.User["twelveHourFormat"])
I followed exactely https://www.traccar.org/upgrading-traccar/
I searched everywhere in th forum how fix it.
Please, help me.
Thank you so much.
Hi Anton
Thanks so much for your work.
I think it is ok now. Here is what I did :
- I stopped traccar : systemctl stop traccar
- I renamed the old traccar folder : mv /opt/traccar /opt/traccar.v4.14
- I downloaded and I reinstalled the last version so /opt/traccar has been recreated by ./traccar.run command
- After that I just copied traccar.xml from /opt/traccar.v4.14 to the new /opt/traccar
- I restarted traccar : systemctl start traccar
How is that different from what you did before?
...and the DB-File or use you a external SQL DB?
@Anton Before, I just saved my old traccar.xml and reinstalled the last version of traccar over the old /opt/traccar.
@Rolsc, I don't know what do you mean by external ? my DB is on the same host with traccar server but I use a mariadb docker in a docker-compose file.
But you said you followed the guide exactly. The guide clearly says you have to remove the old version.
I am so sorry.
I updated my traccar server from 4.14 to 6.6.
When I try to create a new user, I get :
Unrecognized field "twelveHourFormat" (class org.traccar.model.User), not marked as ignorable (25 known properties: "readonly", "limitCommands", "deviceLimit", "poiLayer", "fixedEmail", "login", "name", "latitude", "administrator", "phone", "longitude", "userLimit", "temporary", "zoom", "attributes", "deviceReadonly", "id", "email", "totpKey", "coordinateFormat", "disableReports", "password", "map", "disabled", "expirationTime"]) at [Source: REDACTED ('StreamReadFeature.INCLUDE_SOURCE_IN_LOCATION' disabled); line: 1, column: 226] (through reference chain: org.traccar.model.User["twelveHourFormat"])
I followed exactely https://www.traccar.org/upgrading-traccar/
I searched everywhere in th forum how fix it.
Please, help me.
Thank you so much.