Unable to identify protocols & port number for 2 different GPS tracking smartwatches

Sarwesh R9 months ago


Please help me identify the protocols & set correct port configuration for the Traccar server.

For the first device, I am recieveing a text information as "49574150303038363132363530363131393032373523" and on converting to HEX it becomes "IWAP00861265061190275#". Please suggest what is this protocol & which is the correct port to configure this device to?

First Device Logs

For the second device, I am recieveing a text information as "ff41515348002b01000000f55c06aed22da8a46052ae84bfb82bfecdb7e742a97269202296cb4dffe96738666bffc8ea" and I am unable to convert it to HEX. Please suggest what is the corrct protocol & which is the correct port to configure this device to?

Second Device Logs

Anton Tananaev9 months ago

The first one is likely TRV.

The second one not sure. You would need to find the protocol documentation.

Track-trace9 months ago

The second one is the encrypted protocol from 3g-elec which actually is Watch protocol. But traccar does not have the decryption logic.

Sarwesh R9 months ago

Thanks Anton for your prompt response.
According to TRV protocol, I have set the port number to 5010 and the traccar server is able to parse the data but somehow the lat long is 0,0. Please suggest what is to be done?

Thanks in advance.
Screenshot from 2024-06-15 00-47-42.png

Sarwesh R9 months ago

So which port number should be configured?
Also since you mentioned there is no decryption logic on Traccar. What are the possible ways to proceed further?

Anton Tananaev9 months ago

For TRV zero coordinate probably mean that your device hasn't reported any GPS data yet.

As for the second protocol, as I said, you should provide the documentation to proceed further.