Ulbotech protocol - Odometer issue

jrs8 years ago

Hi - using the Ulbotech T381 (LINK) devices in a fleet of about 50 vehicles, and having issues getting correct odometer readings displaying in the Traccar application

I had a look through the protocols and notice Traccar is using Ulbotech protocol v1.2 where the current version appears to be v1.9 (LINK). However, I can't see that there's any differences in the string sent to the server that would cause the issues I see? The odometer readings appear to be almost random; somtimes a very low number, sometimes very high (e.g. 1300-69066653) and never accurate that i've seen yet

Is there a fault in the interpretation of the string perhaps, or some other issue? I'm able to supply logs from some vehicles along with accurate odometer readings if you have the time/are able to check. Or do you have any checks i can run at this end to confirm?

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Please provide some HEX message samples from log file along with expected values. I can check decoder.

jrs8 years ago

Thanks - samples below taken from two devices this morning, let me know if you need any further information

Sample 1 (Device ID 868323025251320)


Actual Odo (Km): 40782
Reported Odo: 100882

Sample 2 (Device ID 868323025256253)


Actual Odo (Km): 34386
Reported Odo: 62119

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

I have just tested and I get that same values as reported by Traccar. I would recommend checking with device vendor.

jrs8 years ago

Thanks Anton - I'll discuss with them and update here if there is any relevant issues in the protocol documentation they provide

jrs8 years ago

Looks like the protocol decoder is working correctly in your Traccar implementation, I'm told by the OEM that there's some restriction reading the mileage from the vehicles over OBD2 with their devices. I've had to update the firmware settings to set a matching 'initial' mileage reading for each vehicle and it seems to work correctly after that, the reported reading for those devices that have been updated is now showing correctly in Traccar

Thanks for checking on your end

Bakhtawar Singh 7 years ago

Does this method work for big truck to get their odometer reading?