Ubuntu 24.04 LTS install hangs loading after first install

NT6 months ago

Hey, have just come across the project - cool! Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. Digital Ocean. Have Configured MySQL as per the docs. When trying to login for the first time, it just hangs. Where to from here? 20 years web dev experience but new to this project...

Anton Tananaev6 months ago

If you have 20 years web dev experience, I'm assuming you already checked the browser console for anything useful. Nothing there?

NT6 months ago

Hey Anton, ERR connection reset. Yes I made a noob error and jumped in to htop and saw the memory was maxed out. I've just upgraded. Are there any guidelines around minimum requirements? Couldn't see it in the docs... maybe I missed it. Thanks man.

NT6 months ago

Just found https://www.traccar.org/troubleshooting/ - will run through that before posting again.

Anton Tananaev6 months ago

You should have at least 2GB RAM. I think it's possible to set up with 1GB as well, but might need some configuration.

NT6 months ago

Hey Anton. Thanks - I now have - 4 GB Memory / 2 AMD vCPUs / 25 GB Disk / SYD1 - Ubuntu 24.04 (LTS) x64 (Digital Ocean)
Resources are fine. No cloud firewall set. No local firewall set. I'll kill it and try run the installer again with the proper resources.

NT6 months ago

Have reinstalled with 2 GB Memory / 60 GB Disk / SYD1 - Ubuntu 22.04 (LTS) x64. Think I'm getting somewhere. It's to do with WARN: handleException /assets/index-Dlq-CH_Z.js java.io.IOException: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Idle timeout expired: 30001/30000 ms
in the logs - I'm not a Java guy. Any direction appreciated (and) can we contribute to the docs (and) how do we donate to the project?

NT6 months ago

Found donate via Google. Will do now. Suggest adding it to your useful links and primary nav.

Screenshot 2024-09-19 at 3.25.42 AM.png

Bed time (3am) - wireless conference tomorrow. Glad I found this project. Let me know how I can support it, my bit wallets are empty.

Anton Tananaev6 months ago

Interesting. It's a standard PayPal link. There are also crypto wallets if that works:


Email us if nothing works. We'll figure something out.

As for the error, it seems suspicious. Seems to indicate some problem with reading a file. Does it exist?

NT6 months ago

Hey Anton. I was running my connection to the server through a VPN and it didn’t like it. As soon as I removed the VPN from my client machine it worked straight away. Maybe useful for you to know. Can you please do a little investigation on PayPal at your end? I’ve emptied my crypto wallets. Would be good to get something to you. Likely I’ll contribute to the code base in the future too once I do some digging. Thanks again.

Anton Tananaev6 months ago

It looks like PayPal NZ doesn't allow donations, from what I read online. That's surprising. It definitely used to work before. I lived in NZ for several years and used a local PayPal account without any limitations. Maybe you can try to send money directly using this link:


NT6 months ago

Thanks dude. Done. Will have a further play as soon as the teltonika unit arrives. Definitely let me know if you come back here.