Trouble with TK905-4G

BOKG6 months ago

Greetings, I'm having an issue configuring the TK905-4G device. I already consulted the troubleshooting section, and while it helped me get the device online, pointing it to port 5015, it connected as follows:

2024-09-10 12:30:18  INFO: [T86a51458: huabao >] 7e800100050095900222330000005c020000cc7e
2024-09-10 12:30:18  INFO: [T86a51458] id: 009590022233, time: 2024-09-10 15:30:18, lat: -32.75203, lon: -70.72177, course: 348.0

My problem is that, as shown in the log, the device is operating 3 hours ahead, and this is also reflected in the app. I haven't been able to fix it. I tried adding a Timezone attribute with the value "America/Santiago," but this didn’t solve the issue.

Do you have any ideas on what I can do?

Thank you in advance for your time.

Anton Tananaev6 months ago

What timezone is your device reporting in?

BOKG6 months ago

Hi Anton!

The timezone that the device comes with from the factory is gmt 0. I made the modification by SMS to -3 but there were no changes either.

Anton Tananaev6 months ago

If the time offset doesn't change when you change the timezone, there's clearly something wrong with your device configuration. It should definitely change. Even if it's not correct, the relative offset should still change. Sounds like your device doesn't accept your configuration.

dirtyharry5 months ago

Hi, am using TK913 LTE on port 5013 and gettings this logs:

2024-10-04 18:08:47  INFO: [T9932470c: h02 <] [SG*9139018757*0009*LK,0,78,0]
2024-10-04 18:08:48  INFO: [T9932470c: h02 <] [SG*9139018757*0025*VERNO,TK913(70SALASCD)_V_2.2 2024/06/18]
2024-10-04 18:08:49  INFO: [T9932470c: h02 <] [SG*9139018757*0019*CCID,8949360000283211633F]
2024-10-04 18:08:50  INFO: [T9932470c: h02 <] [SG*9139018757*0069*UD2,041024,160356,A,53.702258,N,10.049880,E,0.0,000,42,13,60,78,0,50,00000000,1,1,262,3,11062,3035161,17,,00]

Used CCID 8949360000283211633F and 9139018757 as identifier in traccer server but devices are still offline. Any idea what is going wrong?
Cheers and thanks!

Anton Tananaev5 months ago
dirtyharry5 months ago

ok, using port 5093 seems to work with tk913!