Trip Report Issue

Oluwatobi2 years ago

Hi Community, I am getting this issue with trip report for a period of time on some of my vehicles.

Cannot invoke "org.traccar.model.Position.getFixTime()" because "endTrip" is null - NullPointerException (ReportUtils:174 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ReportResource:251 < ...)

2: Generating report is always really slow, it wasnt like that on the legacy app. Can you please advice how to resolve this



Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Are you using the latest official release without any changes to the code or config?

Oluwatobi2 years ago

Yes, Latest release.
Version 5.8
Device protocol is GT06
I observed the error is specific to a particular group of vehicles.

also reports for previous month works, while for yesterday and today work.

However selecting for previous month gives that error.

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Looks like this is a duplicate of:

Oluwatobi2 years ago

No I dont think it is the same as that.
I haven't made any configuration for fast report. This is just a Null Pointer exception report for certain vehicle.

Report works for previous month
Report works for today, yesterday, this week

Report breaks for Previous week and current mont (1st to 15th)

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

I am telling you that it is. Fast reports are enabled by default. And it breaks for certain vehicle probably because you removed some data for that vehicle.