Tracking GPS watch (v680 type)

Brshk19 years ago


I have a GPS watch and it is kinda working with traccar. First of all, it has to be said that traccar works perfectly and it has been very easy to detect the right protocol following the instructions. Congratulations, Anton!

The watch is (like) this one:
GPS GPRS watch

The device tends to stop sending data after 5-6 updates. It seems that it does not like that traccar server closes connections. Setting v680.resetDelay to 3600 (seconds) improves the stability, although still fails. It may be due to weak signal.

Question 1: Does resetDelay = 0 mean no auto-closing connections?

There are also a couple of messages that traccar is unable to understand: first one is when there is no GPS lock. The data is:
(x replaces sensitive data)

The other message is when the device sends several positions in the same message:
(in the example there are 3 positions, but traccar server only sees the first one)
If there is time for some enhancements, it would be great that v680 could decode both. Absolutely optional, though.

Thanks a lot.

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Setting resetDelay to 0 means not using Traccar idle timer. Operating system timeouts will be used (default timeout values are usually about 2 hours as far as I remember).

First message is a LBS location (information about nearby cell towers). Traccar doesn't support LBS location yet, but it's in plans.

As for decoding several locations in one messages, please create an issue on GitHub to fix this problem.

Brshk19 years ago

Thanks, Anton!

I did not notice that the rest of the "empty" message was about LBS location. I know it is not yet implemented in Traccar. For the second case, I will open the issue soon.

Not using Traccar idle timer is exactly what I wanted. The device seems to reuse some of the connections and doing so, it fails less often. First trial in open air was much better. It is worth noting that there are very few devices being tracked (currently only one!) and the message rate is one per minute.