Tracking a Toughbook

alex_sze10 months ago

I have a Panasonic Toughbook CF-31 with a Sierra Wireless EM7355 and a T-Mobile data-only SIM card in it. I'd like to have a few laptops like these with similar (if not the same) wireless modems inside as part of a fleet, and I'd like to track them using Traccar (send the GPS data from the wireless modems to my Traccar server). I've seen a few posts on this forum about using GPSGate Client, which seems to now be defunct and is also not something I'd like to pay for. What software can I use to track these and utilize the cellular modem? It's also imperative that offline buffering is an option. What are my options here?

Anton Tananaev10 months ago

Windows OS? I think there are some scripts out there.

alex_sze10 months ago

I've looked at quite a few of the scripts and given them all a try, but none seem to work for me. I found a post you replied to on this forum around 7 or 8 years ago, and it seemed to work fine for the person using it, but for me it just seems my traccar server isn't receiving the data at all. I gave this and one or two others a try, to no avail. I get a code 200 from the script to indicate that everything is a-ok, and yet I receive nothing on the server. I've checked the logs, and it simply appears to be a random string of letters and numbers is received by the server, if anything at all.