Tracker showing in the sea 2/3 timer per week

gLeW4 months ago

Hi i have some GPS, showing them in the middle of the see, are any way to send a reboot command or do something to show in the correct place???

If i send a Reboot command the GPS restart and show the right position on the map.


Anton Tananaev4 months ago

I think you forgot to mention what device you're using.

Track-trace4 months ago

How about checking the log at that time / date to see if the device actually sends zero coordinates. In that case you can the filter it out.

You can filter it out by using "" in your config.

Filter zero coordinates. Zero latitude and longitude are theoretically valid values, but it practice it usually indicates invalid GPS data.

gLeW4 months ago

Sorry its a Jimi IOT JC400P using port 5023.

Im try to check the log now

gLeW4 months ago

in the correct position have 26.037665° -80.248363°
on the wrong position have -26.037665° 80.248363°

Very strange change the - in the coordinates

Anton Tananaev4 months ago

Looks like a hemisphere issue. If all your devices are in the same hemispheres, you can use configuration to override it.

gLeW4 months ago

Thanks Anton, so i need to try to add this line at the config right??

<entry key='location.latitudeHemisphere'>N</entry>

And restart the traccar service?

gLeW4 months ago
<entry key='location.longitudeHemisphere'>W</entry>

I think need to add also this one

gLeW4 months ago

With this 2, now its ok, the last thing its the speed

Still showing 4637.92 mph, are any way to fix this???, also the vehicle is stopped with the engine off.


Anton Tananaev4 months ago

You can use computed attributes to do something about the speed, but not sure what to do. Maybe just zero it if it's too high.

gLeW4 months ago

Ok, i going to read what its computed attributes to see how i can fix this. Many thanks