Traccar to or vice versa

skylabz0rz5 years ago

Hello. I am wondering if anyone has successfully linked their traccar server to the system (there are plenty of times where the HAM radio that sends the APRS signal has a connection when the cell phones do not)? I have trackers on both and I would love to be able to see either the aprs call signs within the traccar server or send our clients over to Any thoughts? Thanks.

Rodrik5 years ago

I will try to help you.

Tony Shelver5 years ago

Interested in following this as an alternative to typical cell data transmission. I am not at all experienced in ham radio or the aprs system however.
One drawback for my own usage is that my current country has fairly strict licensing requirements for ham radio.

I had a quick look at the API which includes terms and conditions and other info.
The owner's usage conditions are fairly strict. Some notables are

  1. Revenue sharing arrangement if the data is used for commercial service, and requires a custom arrangement with the owner
  2. Automated and free account creation for usage by third parties: that is, you would need to allow other users free and automated access to your application (see above)
  3. There does not appear to be a 'PUT' api, only a GET, so you couldn't pass Traccar data into the interface very easily, unless you wrote a program to emulate an apri client something like APRSdroid.

Then, there is the issue of getting the data into Traccar. From what I can see, you would have to create a protocol to submit it, which entails some level of java skill.

Others may have additional info.

Haim Rodrik5 years ago

Tony Shelver - I tried to develop an interface for HAM radio tracking, actually for Emergency use free service. The main problem data not coming automatically need to request every certain period and see for new location data

skylabz0rz5 years ago

Hello Everyone,

Thanks for replying back. I might have some funding I can toss at this for someone to develop an interface between the two systems. It looks like the only feasible way is to have APRS data imported into Traccar.

Julien4 years ago

Hello, I am looking for the same for a Emergency webapp based on Traccar in a Region with very poor GPRS coverage. Radio Mobiles already have already been modified with Arduino that send position with APRS to a base plugged by minijack to a Soundboard where a driver convert sound into bits and a very old windows 32 soft display it, locally on Google Earth.
I am looking for an opensource piece of program that would convert APRS to Traccar Server requierments to be send to database and finally shown on Traccar web.
Any idea will be welcome.

Rodrik4 years ago

I have some interface works with APRS for emergency location works on traccar at the same time