TracCar Server on Raspberry Pi OS auto reboots daily?

Rodney Yeo2 months ago

TracCar Server on Raspberry Pi OS (BookWorm) auto reboots daily? How?

I have checked at Crontab -l and nothing indicating daily reboots at specific time about 6.26am daily!

Strange anyone notice this issue?

It causes the TracCar Server to the temporary offline and unable to monitor the fleet tracking!

Any idea anyone?


Anton Tananaev2 months ago

Check systemd logs. It can restart service if it's not responsive.

odhiambo2 months ago

At 6.26am daily, not a minute earlier or a minute later?
If you've checked root's crontab and it's not there, you may need to check all crontabs for all users.

Rodney Yeo2 months ago

Strangely journalctl shows nothing unusual on auto schedule reboot at the 6.26am time daily.

Yes, it happens daily at precisely 6.26am on the dot without fail. I have checked root and pi users crontab with no luck too.

Run out of ideas now.

There use to be an entry at /etc/cron.d/ntpsec at 6:25am but I have changed it to 4:25am and it does not take effect even with sync command.

25 4 * * * root if [ ! -d /run/systemd/system ] && [ -x /usr/libexec/ntpsec/rotate-stats ] ; then /usr/libexec/ntpsec/rotate-stats ; fi
Rodney Yeo2 months ago

Here is the uptime after the un-identified and unknown daily auto reboot which I was unable to locate on crontab scheduler ... looks like it auto reboot at 06:30am today!


odhiambo2 months ago

And there's nothing in /etc/crontab?
And inside /var/spool/cron/crontabs/ you only have one file??

Rodney Yeo2 months ago

There seems to be an indicator entry at /etc/crontab as suggested ...

25 6    * * *   root    test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || { cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily; }

And /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root has the entry of crontab of root users.

Thank a lot for the direction tips! Highly appreaciated!

25 5    * * *   root    test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || { cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily; }

I have modified the entry to run on 5.25 am daily instead.

Cheers :)

Rodney Yeo2 months ago

Yup! Problem resolved on unknown auto reboot daily was from /etc/crontab entry as confirmed.

Thanks alot!